INSERT INTO ats_meta (user_id,location, alumni, staff, student, faculty) VALUES (:user_id, :location, :alumni, :staff, :student, :faculty)
SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry '0' for key 'PRIMARY' Looking for Wilmore Apartment - Connect


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  • Author
    • #14348
      Madison Bridges

      Hello Asbury Community,

      I’m a student and staff person at ATS presently looking for an apartment in Wilmore. Ideally, I’d like a 1bed/1 bath apartment or a room to rent in someone’s house. I am also open to sharing a 2 bedroom apartment with a female roommate. If you know of anyone renting an apartment in Wilmore or if you’re a female student searching for an apartment, please feel free to reach out via email at Thank you!

      Madison Bridges


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