INSERT INTO ats_meta (user_id,location, alumni, staff, student, faculty) VALUES (:user_id, :location, :alumni, :staff, :student, :faculty)
SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry '0' for key 'PRIMARY' Bluegrass Hospice for MM720 Cross-Cultural Placement - Connect


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    • #8989

      Are you looking for a site to complete your MM720 cross-cultural hours? Have you considered volunteering with Bluegrass Hospice Care? There are many types of volunteers, and there are patients in Jessamine County that need your ministry and care. Contact Debbie Mostad for more information. ( If you want to begin in September, do not wait. You will need to pass a background check, have an interview with the Volunteer Coordinator, and then receive training before you can begin.

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