Randall Cupp
Texas Annual Conference on Ky. Campus Oct. 17
Rev. Elizabeth Duffin, Rev. Megan Byers and Rev. Michelle Manuel will be on campus October 17, to meet with Texas Conference students or any student interested in ministry in their region. The Texas Conference is one of the eleven annual (regional) conferences in the South Central Jurisdiction of the United Methodist Church and is comprised […]
Upper New York UMC Conference Bishop to visit October 3
Upper New York Conference Bishop Mark Webb, Rev. Dr. Aaron Bouwens, and Rev. Nola Anderson will be on the Wilmore campus October 3, to meet with students about ministry in the Upper New York Conference. Bishop Webb, an Asbury Alumnus, is looking for Christ-following leaders to help the ministry of Upper New York and hopes […]
Recruiters for Navy Chaplains on Wilmore Campus September 18
Recruiters for Navy Chaplains on Wilmore Campus September 18 Navy recruiters will be in the Student Center today, Sept. 18, from 11:30am to 1:30pm. M-Div students are invited to stop by and learn more about a career as a Navy Chaplain. See job description below for more details! Job Description: The present Global War on […]
Couples Connect – October 15th
October 15th Couples Connect Testimony Month Garden of the Nations Fire Pit 6:30PM-8:30PM If using childcare, must RSVP by September 24th here: https://goo.gl/forms/zkOegGDkyXNlH1mF3
Campus Apologetics Alliance Visit 9/12
Dr. Corey Miller, President and CEO of Ratio Christi: Campus Apologetics Alliance, will be on our campus Wednesday, September 12, with his team highlighting opportunities to serve. They reach high school students, university students, and even professors, on campuses ranging from Rutgers and UCLA all the way to Pakistan and South Africa. Stop at their […]
Opportunity for Students to Meet with Bishop Swanson
Bishop James E. Swanson Sr., resident Bishop of the Mississippi Conference of the United Methodist Church, will preach in Estes Chapel on September 5. Following chapel, Bishop Swanson and Rev. Trey Harper, Conference Director of Spiritual Leadership, would like to meet with students from their conference, or with any student interested in ministry in their […]
Pastoral Care of Depression Seminar – April 19
Pastoral Care of Depression Thursday, April 19 12-1 pm Cordelia A Hear from a Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor and a Local Pastor on how you as a pastor can care for people in your congregation struggling with depression. We will cover such topics as: -What is depression? -What treatment options are available? -How does depression […]
United Methodist Student Gathering on April 19
All United Methodist Students on or near the Kentucky Campus are invited to an informal gathering at 7:00 pm on Thursday, April 19 in Cordelia A & B for conversation around the current state of the UMC and the future of the church.
Missouri Conference Visit April 10th
Rev. Molly Moore, with the Ministerial Leadership Recruitment, and Asbury Alum Rev. Bruce Baxter will be on the Kentucky campus April 10th to meet with any students interested in ministry service in the Missouri Conference. The Missouri Conference boldly leads its churches in discipleship. Their website proclaims, “The Missouri Conference will relentlessly lead our churches […]
Pittsburgh Free Methodist Conference Visit – April 13
Every Pastor a Planter – Every Church a Global Church Rev. Douglas Rabe from the Pittsburgh Conference of the Free Methodist Church is returning to the Wilmore Campus on Friday, April 13, to meet with students interested in ministry in the greater Pittsburg area. The Vision Statement of the Conference is “Every Pastor a Planter […]