INSERT INTO ats_meta (user_id,location, alumni, staff, student, faculty) VALUES (:user_id, :location, :alumni, :staff, :student, :faculty)
SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry '0' for key 'PRIMARY' MACM Degree - Connect

MACM Degree

Mentored Ministry

MACM Degree Students

You have two options for your three hours of required Mentored Ministry.

(1) If you plan to do credit courses, you will complete MM520, MM620, and MM720 as one-hour classes in three separate semesters. Find notes on MM520, MM620, and MM720 here

(2) If you pursue a MACM degree for Global Methodist Church(GMC) credentials, you will participate in the Mentored Ministry Pilot program (MM310, MM350, and MM410) in three separate semesters. Students who have completed any or all of the three Mentored Ministry courses previously, are able to receive credit toward the pilot program.

      Mentored Ministry Pilot Program Requirements:


Last modified: February 21, 2024