INSERT INTO ats_meta (user_id,location, alumni, staff, student, faculty) VALUES (:user_id, :location, :alumni, :staff, :student, :faculty)
SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry '0' for key 'PRIMARY' Join a Focus Group! Get a Free Meal! - Connect

Join a Focus Group! Get a Free Meal!

In 2017, Asbury Theological Seminary was awarded a $1,000,000 grant from the Lilly Foundation to research “Thriving in Ministry.”

The team (consisting of students, faculty and staff) exploring women in ministry wants to learn about women’s current experiences on Asbury’s Kentucky campus.

Women, you’re invited to:

Your reflections and perspectives will contribute to an overall environment that advocates and empowers women for fruitful ministry leadership. Please join your sisters in signing up for a 75-minute focus group that includes a meal and promises stimulating conversation!

Visit to sign up.