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SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry '0' for key 'PRIMARY' Free Methodist Church Lunch and Learn: March 29 in Cordelia - Connect

Free Methodist Church Lunch and Learn: March 29 in Cordelia

During their visit to campus next week, Free Methodist Bishops Linda Adams and Keith Cowart will host a lunch for FM students, spouses, and seminary employees. Expect to learn more about where the FMC is headed and the “Free Methodist Way” (vision, mission, values). In addition, members of the FM Study Commission on Doctrine, theologians from across the US, will be present and will share in the dialogue.

Other interested students are also invited to join the group for lunch following Bishop Adams chapel on Tuesday, March 29. We will meet in Cordelia A & B at 12:00 p.m. Both of these bishops are Asbury Seminary alumni (and Bishop Linda serves on the Seminary board), and they welcome conversation with Seminary students pursuing ministry opportunities in the Wesleyan holiness family.

In addition to CURRENT OPEN POSITIONS in various regions across the country, the FMC seeks those interested in CHURCH PLANTING and FRESH EXPRESSIONS ministries.

Lunch is included (please tell cashier upon arrival). Questions? Contact Amy at

For information about the FMC, visit Free Methodist Way, FM Center for Pastoral Formation, FMC Chaplaincy , FMC employment opportunities, or other FMC denomination information.