INSERT INTO ats_meta (user_id,location, alumni, staff, student, faculty) VALUES (:user_id, :location, :alumni, :staff, :student, :faculty)
SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry '0' for key 'PRIMARY' Counseling Center Open for Telehealth - Connect

Counseling Center Open for Telehealth

The VanTatenhove Center for Counseling (VCfC) is open for online video telehealth consultation sessions to talk about positive coping during these unprecedented days. Consultation sessions are limited to one-session appointments that focus on emotional, relational, or spiritual resources, much like one might experience at an informational booth at a mental health fair. Of course, counseling appointments are also still happening via confidential online telehealth platforms. Students may obtain information about an initial counseling appointment through email. Currently enrolled students in Kentucky, seeking either one-session consultation sessions or more extended counseling appointments, can contact for next steps.
We also are offering suggestions for positive coping on our website.