Asbury Seminary announces the hiring of Rev. Dr. Emilio Alvarez as Associate Provost of Lifelong Learning, Dr. John Ragsdale as Associate Provost of Academic Affairs, and Dr. Stephen Bailey as Associate Professor of Missions and Development Studies.
Rev. Dr. Emilio Alvarez is one of the up-and-coming scholars and commentators on the intersection of religious education and theology in America. As a ministerial practitioner, his vast experience within the Christian Church world-wide has positioned him as a prophetic voice, especially within Afro/Latino communities of faith. Currently, he serves as the Primate of the Union of Charismatic Orthodox Churches. He is also the founder and Rector of The Cathedral at Gathering Place in the city of Rochester, New York. Bishop Alvarez holds a Bachelors in Christian Education, a Master of Arts in Religious Education from New York Theological Seminary, a Ph.D. in Religious Education from Fordham University in the Bronx, New York, and is currently pursuing a second Ph.D. in Divinity at Aberdeen University under the supervision of the Very Rev. Dr. John Behr. Bishop Alvarez has a forthcoming book with InterVarsity Press called, Towards A Pentecostal Orthodoxy (2022) and is also a contributor to the forthcoming IVP liturgical series, “The Fullness of Time: A Journey Through the Church Year” (2022).
Dr. John Ragsdale comes to Asbury Theological Seminary from Azusa Pacific University, where he has served as Associate Dean of the School of Theology, Interim Associate Provost for Undergraduate Education, and most recently, Interim Dean at the School of Theology. Dr. Ragsdale brings two decades of experience in strategic planning, assessment, program review, and external funding within higher education administration. His research interests include Old Testament interpretation and hermeneutics, the Spirit in the Old Testament, theology of joy, and racism and lament. His most recent publication is a curriculum for churches and other groups entitled Lamenting Racism: A Christian Response to Racial Injustice with the Herald Press. Dr. Ragsdale received an M.A. in Biblical Languages from the Assemblies of God Theological Seminary and a Ph.D. in Religious Studies from Marquette University.
Dr. Stephen Bailey currently serves as the Laos Program Officer at the Institute for Global Engagement (IGE). He worked as a Senior Associate for IGE in Laos since 2002. Dr. Bailey creates partnerships and practical agreements between governmental and religious communities that promote a culturally owned and legally protected religious freedom which contributes to social and political stability in Laos. For 17 years, Dr. Bailey was involved in relief and development work in Thailand and the Lao People’s Democratic Republic. He earned his Ph.D. in Intercultural Studies from Fuller Theological Seminary (2002). Most recently, he served from 2011 to 2020 as Professor of Intercultural Studies at Simpson College and as part-time faculty at Shasta Community College, teaching classes in cultural anthropology and history of world religions. In 2016, Dr. Bailey founded and serves as president of the SANTI Corporation, a non-profit, non-governmental organization that provides education and training to promote religious freedom, peace building and the general welfare of southeast Asian nations.
“I am delighted to welcome Dr. Alvarez, Dr. Ragsdale and Dr. Bailey to the Asbury Seminary community,” Dr. Timothy C. Tennent, President of Asbury Seminary, said. “Each brings a wealth of knowledge, expertise and leadership in their respective areas. As we prepare to celebrate the Seminary’s 100th birthday and look forward to the next 100 years, these new faculty members will continue to help us equip our students to share the gospel around the world.”
Join us in welcoming these outstanding new members to the Seminary community!